Terry Keel
Biographical Information
Terry Keel is a fifth generation Austinite, born in Austin on January 13, 1958 and raised in a family of six boys and one girl. His background as an attorney includes extensive experience as a courtroom and appellate litigator. He also has a public service career spanning over four decades.
(Left to right) Texas Agriculture Commissioner Rick Perry, Governor-elect George W. Bush, Travis County Sheriff Terry Keel, and United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, 1994
Public Service:
Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner for Administration, January 12, 2015 to present. The top appointed official for the Texas Department of Agriculture, the deputy commissioner oversees the day-to-day operation of all the agency’s programs, a workforce of over 700 employees across five regional offices, three sub-offices, three laboratories, five livestock export pens and its Austin headquarters, and a biennial budget exceeding one billion dollars.
Deputy Commissioner (texasagriculture.gov)
Link to Terry Keel at the Texas Department of Agriculture
Executive Director, Texas Facilities Commission, December 31, 2009 to January 11, 2015. The Commission, appointed by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House, administers for departments of state government the assignment of office space, lease procurement, space planning, facilities maintenance & operations, facilities master planning, real estate acquisition, project management in architecture, engineering, design & construction, and state & federal surplus property administration.
TFC Executive Director Terry Keel, picture in 2010
Parliamentarian, Texas House of Representatives, May 25, 2007 to January 13, 2009. Mr. Keel served as the counselor to the Speaker and Texas House members on matters of legislative procedure and applicable provisions of the Texas Constitution and state statutes.
Parliamentarian Keel, Speaker Craddick, Assistant Parliamentarian Wilson on dais, 2007
Abbott Given a Primer for State Takeover of Austin Police Department (reformaustin.org)
ReformAustin online News 2020 article featuring Keel’s legislative roadmap to place APD under state governance
Rep. Keel presented gavel from Speaker Craddick, 2003
Legislative Reference Library | Legislators and Leaders | Member profile (texas.gov)
Texas Legislative Reference Library link to Terry Keel
Austin Police Department Training Academy Instructor. From 1990 to 1996, Mr. Keel served as the penal code instructor for cadet classes and from 2002 to 2005, guest lectured as the academy’s instructor on criminal profiling.
Travis County Sheriff Terry Keel instructing cadets at the Austin Police Department Training Academy, Austin, Texas, 1994 of Keel at academy 1994
Sheriff, Travis County, November 17, 1992 to December 31, 1996. Terry Keel served as the county's chief law enforcement officer, supervising a staff of over 1,200 corrections and law enforcement personnel. Sheriff Keel successfully managed inmate populations exceeding 2,500 during the worst jail over-crowding era in Travis County history and established a program for housing jail prisoners in tents. He implemented numerous innovative initiatives, including the construction of corrections facilities using inmate labor; the expansion of inmate agriculture, labor and education programs; the establishment of a professional victim services program with a crime-scene response; and the formation of joint law enforcement operations between the Travis County Sheriff's Office and the Austin Police Department in the areas of narcotics, criminal intelligence and training. Sheriff Keel received many distinguished law enforcement and civic awards during his tenure, including the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal from the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Travis County Judge Bill Aleshire (left) and Travis County Sheriff Terry Keel (center) congratulate TCSO D.A.R.E. (drug abuse resistance education) graduates at Smith School Elementary, 1993
Sheriff Keel working Crimestoppers fundraiser, 1993
Assistant District Attorney, Travis County, July 23, 1984 to November 17, 1992. Mr. Keel served as lead prosecutor in over fifty contested felony jury trials and held the position of Chief Prosecutor over several units, including: Major Crimes, Narcotics, Organized Crime, District Court, and the Child Abuse & Juvenile Prosecution Division. From 1987 to 1991 Mr. Keel also was assigned to Austin Police Department headquarters to establish and supervise the District Attorney's Office & Austin Police Department Repeat Offender Program. This joint program, which targeted career criminals for apprehension and prosecution, was one of the first of its kind in the United States, consisting of specially trained prosecutors and police officers. As Chief of the Repeat Offender Program, Keel participated in the arrest of over 200 felony career criminals and the service of more than 100 search warrants. In addition, he was designated as the lead prosecutor in numerous capital murder, homicide, sexual assault and attempted capital murder cases, including the first courtroom case in Texas using PCR DNA. During his service as Assistant District Attorney, Keel received numerous honors and awards, including three certificates of appreciation from the Chief of the Austin Police Department (1986, 1991, 1992), awards from the Austin Police Association for the prosecution of career criminals (1986), for homicide prosecution (1989), and capital murder prosecution (1992), and award recognitions from the Austin Police Department Sex Crimes Detail (1985), Hispanic Police Officers Association (1988) and Hispanic Crimes Unit (1988).
Travis County Assistant District Attorney Terry Keel (center) with Senior Police Officer Mark Gil (left) and Senior Police Officer Robert Martinez (right) in the Austin Police Department Gang Unit office, 1992
Assistant District Attorney Terry Keel with Travis County Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Roberto Bayardo, 1987
Assistant DA Terry Keel in briefing room of Austin Police Department Repeat Offender Program, 1992
Assistant District Attorney, Brazos County, April 1, 1983 to July 23, 1984. Mr. Keel was selected by the Brazos County District Attorney to begin working as an Assistant D. A. prior to graduation from law school under the State Bar program authorizing third-year law students to practice law under attorney supervision. Upon graduation and licensure, he continued with the office and his assignments during his service with Brazos County included two capital cases.
Brazos County District Attorney’s Office Administrator Queen Walker and Assistant DA Terry Keel, 1983
University of Houston, College of Law - Doctor of Jurisprudence conferred May 14, 1983
University of Texas at Austin - Bachelor of Arts in English conferred August 18, 1980
LBJ High School, Austin, Texas-diploma conferred May 26, 1976 (Senior Class President)
Professional Licenses and Memberships
Admitted to the State Bar of Texas, June 24, 1983; licensed to practice law by the Supreme Courts of Texas and the United States; licensed also in the federal district court for the Western District of Texas.
Mr. Keel has received multiple recognitions by the State Bar of Texas for making outstanding contributions of pro bono legal services.
Master Peace Officer and Peace Officer Instructor certifications by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Left to right, front row), Sheriff Terry Keel, Austin Police Sergeant Mike Slater, Comdr. Robert Gross, Assistant Chief Ruben Lopez, Chief Elizabeth Watson, Captain Rick Coy, Lieutenant Ceil Hart, pictured with graduating APD cadet class, 1993.Sheriff Kee with graduating cadet class
Additional Public Service Appointments (partial listing):
1995 – 2007 – Member, St. Edwards University School of Behavioral and Social Sciences Advisory Board.
1997 to 2003 – Texas Attorney General Appointee, Advisory Council of the Crime Victim's Institute.
1995 – 2001 – Board Member appointee of Lieutenant Governor Bullock to the Commission on State Emergency Communications.
1999 – 2000 – Special Prosecutor, appointed by the District Attorney before the Hays County grand jury.
Recognitions and Awards (partial listing):
Austin Police Retired Officers Association Honorary Member
President's Award - Travis County Sheriff's Law Enforcement Association
Texas State Rifle Association
Legislator of the Year Award
State Representative Terry Keel on the cover of the July/August 2005 issue of the Texas State Rifle Association Sportsman magazine
Legislative Excellence Award Recipient presented by the Southwest Car Wash Association
Peoples Champion Award
People for Efficient Transportation
Texas Library Association
Outstanding Service to Libraries Award
Texas District and County Attorneys Association
TDCAA Law & Order Award
Texas Municipal Police Association
Legislative Excellence Award
Texas Association of Business
Fighter for Free Enterprise Award
(for service in the 77th Legislative Session)
Austin Police Department Training Academy
(for service as Instructor to the Police Department)
TDCJ Crime Victim Clearinghouse
"Senator Ralph Yarborough Allied Professional Award"
(for substantial contribution to victims’ rights and services)
Austin Fire Fighters Association
(in recognition of support to the profession)
Commission on State Emergency Communications
(for service on the agency Board from 1995-1999)
The University of Texas System Board of Regents
(for service to the University of Texas System)
Austin Police Association Honorary membership
(for service as State Representative and prior service as
Travis County Sheriff and Assistant District Attorney)
Texas Library Association
(resolution in honor and recognition of Representative Keel)
Amicus Dermatological Award
Texas Dermatological Society
(for exceptional service in the Legislature)
Society for Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(recognizing service to the organization and the community)
Chief of the Austin Police Department special certificates of appreciation were awarded to Mr. Keel in
1992, 1991, 1986
The Austin Police Association recognized Mr. Keel with the following awards:
Prosecution of career criminals (1992)
Homicide prosecution (1989)
Capital murder prosecution (1986)
Mr. Keel also received award recognitions from
The APD Sex Crimes Detail (1985)
The APD Hispanic Police Officers Association (1988)
The APD Hispanic Crimes Unit (1988)
Published Articles (partial listing)
Criminal Law Changes to the Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure
Texas Bar Journal, September 2003
Changes to the Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure by the 77th Legislature
Texas Bar Journal, September 2001
Criminal Law Update-76th Legislative Session
Texas Bar Journal, September 1999
Videotaped Testimony of Child Victims
True Bill-the Newsletter of the Prosecutor Council, June 1984